Monday, November 19, 2007

What is this?

from their website


Tae Kwon Do is action philosophy. It is the Korean art of self-defense. Literally translated, TAE means kick or to strike with the foot, KWON means fist or to strike with the hand, DO means discipline or art. It is much more than the image of the martial arts physical aspect. It is designed as a non-violent art and system of complete body exercises as well as being a way of life. It includes physical techniques, mental discipline, and a deep philosophy. By practicing Tae Kwon Do, one can benefit in these ways;

PHYSICALLY - One can develop good coordination, gain strength, increase flexibility, and improve cardiovascular conditioning. From all of these physical practices, one can have a strong body.

MENTALLY - One can build self-confidence, gain better judgement, and improve self-control. From all of these mental disciplines, one can have a sound mind.

PHILOSOPHICALLY - While developing a strong body and a sound mind, it is appropriate to learn the valuable philosophical tools and lessons in life offered by Tae Kwon Do philosophy. Among these lessons:

The way to be honest, always standing for justice.
How to respect and help others.
The meaning of loyalty and courtesy.

Incorporating these aspects into one's life will build for them; the ability to be strong, to be humble, to be gentle, and to maintain self-respect.

Tae Kwon Do philosophy emphasizes good health, happiness, generosity, and a sense of value of freedom, justice, and peace. All of these inspire independence and coexistence.

Tae Kwon Do is an art of humanity. It is a guide for the formation of outstanding character. It is practiced as a modern world sport. It is useful as a contemporary universal philosophy.

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