THANKS!! Donna Kriss Mom to RED 2's, Helena, William High Green Joy
Northern Michigan Tae Park Tae Kwon Do: Official website of school
Tae Kwon Do Terminology (Korean):
Do Jang -> Practice Room
Dobak -> Uniform
Cha Dyet -> Attention Stance - heals together with toes apart; look straight ahead
Kyung Nay -> Bow - 45 degree angle, eyes cast down (except when across from a fighting partner). The bow is a show of respect.
Choom Be -> Ready Stance - feet shoulder width apart; look straight ahead; fists are waist high and about one fist length away from your body; whole body is strong, muscles tight; done before an exercise
Ba Roe -> Ready Stance - same as Choom Be; done after an exercise
Show -> Relax - straighten uniform (dobak) if necessary
See Cha -> Start an exercise as no-count
Tae Kwon Do translates into the way of foot and hand; it is the Korean martial art of weaponless self-defense.
Trying to find a venue for Tae Kwon Do Pictures, events that kids are in, and keeping track of belts. Northern Michigan Tae Park Tae Kwon Do: Official website of school